Friday, September 16, 2011

An APPLE a Day (or 2 or 3) Keeps the FAT Away??!!!!!

Hi Linda Blog Followers! May I say THANKS to each of you who follow me on our journey to be Happier, Healthier, and a weight that is optimal. But DON'T get overwhelmed. I'm giving you alot. So grab what works for you, and I'll keep repeating and repeating the same concepts often. So don't feel you have to eat an elephant in one bite! (the food puns just pop out, sorry :-)

We talked earlier, about choosing carbs that are in their whole, unrefined state. White is out, brown and textury is in. If you have a Trader Joe's, then frozen cooked brown rice is a must! If not, use one cup raw, bulk, short grain brown rice (from a co op, not a box) rinse and put into four cups rolling boiling water for about 30 mins. Rinse, put back in the pot, cover, and let sit OFF THE HEAT for ten mins. Double that for a bigger family. When you dish up your plates, and DO NOT do family style, it promotes overeating, but have your protein be 1/4 the smaller plate, your rice or red potato or sweet potato or yam, be 1/4 the plate, and 1/2 the plate should be salads and veggies. If you are going to overeat, and sometimes we do, overeat on something nutrient dense, and good for you. Did you know that you could possibly eat double the calories of whole, live, unprocessed foods over fast, processed refined ones. Think of it. If you eat 1200 calories of white rice, sugary desserts, white potato, etc. vs. foods that break down slowly, like brown rice, lentils, beans, steel cut oats or oatbran, nuts, etc. you can eat more calories and get away with more of the "legal" foods, as I call them. The slower the insulin rush, the less fat stored. Is it beginning to make sense why we go to complex carbs, in grains and veggies????  And if you are having potatoes for a change, use RED potatoes, over russets, and choose a fairly small one, or a 1/2 a sweet potato, or if you have fries, sweet potato fries from Traders are very tasty. The baked russet is HIGH GLYCEMIC. Meaning it turns to glucose or sugar in the body quickly and turns on the insulin spigot FAST! Not good! Insulin is put out to manage the sugar, and during that time, the body says, STORE FAT!!!! lets close with talking about a surprise, that is sitting in the picture I took today showing some nice whole live foods. THE REMARKABLE APPLE. If you were to eat several small apples a day as snacks between meals, you may actually lose weight. WHY? They are incredibly high in soluble fiber, 5 grams, WOW! And soluble fiber slows absorption of carbs. And it is a sticky fiber that takes out the bad stuff, including fats, so it also helps in lowering of cholesterol in many people. It also includes pectin, which seems to be a fat burner, AND a small to med apple is about 55 calories. Are you surprised? Several small apples a day? I use one of mine chopped in small pieces, a gala, in my spinach salads with walnuts or pecans sprinkled, YUM. But here's what I want you to look at in the PICTURE!!! It is NOT an apple from the grocery store. Over half of our apples now come from China! They are covered with chemicals and pesticides and  coated with an easy to spot SHINY sealer, so in cold storage they stay forever, until put in the stores. YUK!!!! I only buy apples at the local fruit stands, the food co ops, or Whole Foods. They should be DULL!!! Like the one you see in my picture. Some grocery stores sell organic, but you'll pay less at co op's or local stands. They lose their nutrients the more you go inward,  so do get ones pesticide free and organic and eat the SKIN!!  So buy local, organic, and dull!

So there you go. You know to try to slowly integrate BROWN, whole grains, but NOT wheat, and that is the subject for our next post. WHY DO WE NOT DO WHEAT, EVEN WHOLE WHEAT anymore??? Pretty interesting. You won't want to miss it. Secondly, we want to start adding some local, whatever kind suits you, APPLES to our eating. Did you know they were so valuable??? Please use them in salads, I love them in mine. People say to me, but Linda, it costs more to buy some of these things, and yes, in some instances, it does. I always say the same thing: YOU PAY NOW, OR YOU PAY LATER! But my taking you shopping will help you only have your food budget be a little higher. OH, and NOT all foods at Traders are healthy and "legal." Let me tell you which ones are. And if you shop the big place that makes you show a card when you go through the entrance and they sell in BIG BULK, think about buying clothes or electronics or Christmas items there, but FOOD??? It's doesn't fit my standards 90% of the time. (Oh, I am just hearing the moans) Think of it, most of it is processed and battered and why would you want to supersize your groceries anymore than supersizing your portions at meals. OK...I thought we better pop that balloon and let you decide for yourself when you walk the aisles next time you go. Ask me questions, PLEASE about things you find there, that you think might be "legal." Comments are so welcome! 

I am just the messenger. You choose what works for you. If I educate you properly, you will WANT to make some changes, at the pace you desire. On our next installments, we'll be talking about some great subjects. It's swell we are working on our weight, but guess what, I believe it MUST be done as a side effect of healthy eating habits.  So put these on your shopping list and we will add to it regularly. Brown, cage free, hormone and antibiotic free eggs! Wild Salmon! Avocados! Lentils or lentil soup (BELLY FLATTENS) and KIND PLUS nut bars, which I will devote a whole segment to in a few days.  And relax, you're going to learn I eat yummy chips, corn curls, desserts, even brownies, pie, cookies, chocolate and gasp, even some spray whipping cream! Other than the spray whipping cream (8 calories a Tablespoon) there is a twist to make all the other stuff "legal." And yes, I eat out at least twice a week. I wish I could bring you all to my house and have my huge dining room table filled with foods, and you'd be OMGoshing all over the place saying, THIS IS DELICIOUS! I can't wait! the hubs says, OVER and OUT. And look above at the man (Lloyd) who eats constantly, little portions and takes his time, with alot of the good and a little of the bad! Would you like that waistline? I'll teach you! It's so fun when you turn the corner, and never look back. If I could DO it, ANYONE reading this blog can, because I was addicted to completely processed foods, fast foods, and was very rebellious! Getting ill was such a wake up call. A blessing in disguise. Now, can anyone answer this question...I'm a Flexitarian. What does that mean :-) Nite all!

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