I dislike the word D-I-E-T so very much, I call it the "D" word, or a "four letter word." So, I will have Weight Coach Linda continue w/this namesake blog and page until we address those of you who see losing weight as the end result in what you learn from me. But truly, my goal is to have weight loss be just a fringe benefit of my teaching. I want you to understand from the get go, that anyone can lose weight. Deprive yourself of food, exercise to the hilt, or arggggg, take one of the "diet aids" everyone thinks are such silver bullets to drop weight, quickly and easily, (from green coffee beans to hormone growth drops to you name it!) I was a General Manager for Nutri System Weight Loss clinics when they had centers! I saw over 600 clients a week! Pre-packaged food in my opinion is again, "diet mentality!" And watching a 98% failure rate of re-gaining the weight back (and more) within a year, I quit a lucrative career to start my own business. I knew that I would not, could not ever promote quick fixes, silver bullets, and focus on people's obsession of losing weight! My goal for you is soooo much more than that!
Overeating, and eating highly processed comfort foods is more addictive for many of us, than heroin, cocaine or alcohol addiction! Food is sooooooo intertwined with behaviors relating to emotional issues, stress management, and traditions, that I believe you will appreciate my training and experience in this area, as much as my extensive nutritional guidance! The Blog Posts will give the short version of my teaching points, but my Weight Coach Linda page will give you the expanded step by step plan to reach a goal, where you've reprogrammed your eating habits forever! So click like on that page to receive that valuable additional information. If you need help on how to follow that page, let me know and I will send an invitation!
So we begin. We are going to start slowly, with a few simple requests from me to you. I would like you to put your scale away. Give it away. Do not measure SUCCESS by losing weight! It means nothing! If you begin to detox, clean out your body, and even make a few of the changes I suggest, your jeans will tell you that fringe benefit I told you about, is happening. So FIRST assignment. No weighing yourself for at least a month! Or NEVER. I do not own a scale on purpose. SECONDLY, I'd like you to buy a hard see through large size plastic cup with screw on lid and hole for a straw (the type you see in Starbucks, mine is from Disneyland..wahoooo ;-) because we will begin simply by upping our water intake and need to "monitor it," with this type cup. Never, will you find me, without finding my cup! I refill it as soon as it is empty, carry it in the car, and it is the first thing that appears on my desk in the morning. MORE water will enhance the program we are about to embark upon, by beginning to cleanse, detox, and empower your body to get ready for this wonderful plan you are about to discover! THIRD, I'd like you to buy netted bags of LEMONS! I suggest you use at least TWO fresh lemons, squeezed a day into hot water (with raw honey or not) and squeezed into your regular daily drinking water! LEMONS are amazing. They begin to detox your system, slowly, but ironically they create a PH that is more alkaline, than acidic. YEP. Just the opposite of what you think. And they support the liver to be able to unload toxins and begin doing it's intended job, to turn your food into the ingredients that can be used by the body. It's a fat burning furnace when fine tuned! I start my day, EVERY day with hot water, a half of a big lemon squeezed in it, and a tablespoon of raw honey. If you are diabetic or don't want honey, use stevia, or drink it down sour. DO NOT USE REFINED SUGAR! Agave is also an alternative.
So for now, I will re cap what you need to do to begin our journey together. Agree not to weigh yourself on a scale, or to see "pounds off" as the successful part of this journey. Optimal health, high energy, and lack of degenerative disease, ESPECIALLY heart disease and cancer, are my goals for you. Falling to a natural, healthy weight WILL happen, but quite frankly, the slower you lose the pounds, as you learn the skills and change behaviors, the MORE likely you will keep that new shape! Secondly, you have been asked to have a special glass to ensure your water intake is adequate. I do 6-8 refills in my glass a day. And I use only clean, pure water. And thirdly, you may wish to begin the daily using of fresh lemons, to assist a mild detox, and to support liver function, one of the most vital organs in the body. My goodness, it has 600 jobs it performs. So that is enough for Blog number ONE. On the Weight Coach Linda page will be more tips, breakfast ideas, some recipes, etc. I will try to post regularly there. And YES, you will be able to even have cupcakes, chocolate, and most all of the foods you do now. Just in a healthier version, but oh, just as tasty! It took me 30 years to learn the "trading out part." And I will "share..." smile!
CHEERS! I make a promise to you to give you ALL that you will need to be successful! Follow through faithfully. Do know, having a friend join you on this journey will double your chances for success. In 1974, I nearly died. Three hospitals and 12 doctors later, Providence led me to the doctor who saved my life and truly taught me, "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT." I will be forever grateful. If I can even impart a small portion of my vast knowledge of how to implement this concept into your everyday, busy life, than, I feel privileged, thrilled, and humbled! Well, actually, I am over the moon! This is my greatest mission, and gift I have been given, I believe!
In a few days, I will give a POP QUIZ (what do you expect from a former teacher, smile) It will give you an idea of what you know, what you don't know, and what you will be learning. I think it will be a huge eye opener. Without your health, you truly have nothing! And for those of you reading this who say to yourself, "I'm healthy"...hmmmmmmm, in the blink of an eye, you could see, you were not. It's my role, my desire to have you really understand how to have the greatest health, you ever imagined! So, 1) Throw out the scale 2) Get the glass and begin the water intake and 3) Get those fresh lemons in every day. And most important, go step by step with me, "HealthAngel," with the Blog Posts and the Weight Coach Linda page on FB. And as you go, will your share me with your group of friends and family? Hug a roonies! I couldn't be more excited! How bout YOU? 2013, here we come! I'll close with my dear friend, Carla, and how following this plan changed her life! Thank you Carla, for being the inspiration for me to begin teaching again!
I look forward to following your Blog! Thank you for your passion in sharing your knowledge and wisdom! The world is lucky you are here!
ReplyDeleteAn especially uplifting thank you from one who is already so enjoying the "journey." And I will continue to share all I know, have learned, because I know it can empower, enrich, even save lives. I am inspired by your transformation, that continues, and will ask you to be "sorting' for a picture collage, because yes, a picture does speak a million words. And I'd like to share your story! CHEERS! I'll keep it coming ;-) TY!