Thursday, January 17, 2013


Tonight isn't a big ole long teaching lesson! It's such a simple trick that I've taught for years and years, I thought everyone knew about it, until a girlfriend said, "Wow, I'm so tired of having to give up my snacky snacks, cuz before ya know it, I've done MINDLESS EATING as usual and eaten the whole bag!"  Happens soooooooo easily. I used to do the same thing, until I learned something that works so well, I taught it to her, and she lost a whole jean size just with this little routine.

It helps with any snack food. Hopefully, you'll start to know that snack foods can still be tasty and satisfy either sweet or salty, but just have higher grade, unprocessed ingredients in them. I like some brands like Barbara's, Bearitos, Pamela's cookies, etc. etc. We'll learn those later. But as you know when you read the back of the bag, it gives the calorie/carb count, and you go, "Oh, that's not too bad," forgetting that it gives those stats for ONE serving. That's a trick they even do with smoothie drinks, etc. You can look at an Odwalla chocolate protein smoothie, and it's not that big a bottle, and look carefully, it isTWO servings. Ya kinda get tricked into thinking the carb/sugar/calorie count, (the only things I really look at besides ingredients, ) is for the entire bottle/sack/etc. It's NOT!
OK, so when I shop, I come home, and say I buy a sack of Barbara's corn puffs (they satisfy my cheddar cheese urge, w/out eating the cheese itself, and  they are GOOD!) I turn the bag over, and you will see it says approximately how many servings are in the bag after it lists the readout of calories etc. for ONE serving. So this particular bag in the picture I've enclosed, says five servings. I get out my five BAGGIES, open the bag of snacks, and before I even start eating them, and have half the bag gone, I CREATE five servings to grab outta the pantry. You can eyeball em, or in the case of cookies, count em!  After baggying them,  we have plastic open containers in the pantry, I baggie them, MAKE sure they are closed tightly to avoid going stale, and VOILA, I throw them in the containers so I can grab one when a snack attack comes on.  Today when I ate my cheddar corn puffs, I was thinking, THIS IS ALOT!!! LOL....because instead of MINDLESS EATING, you are aware and eat each one savoring the taste, but it really seems you get full and have eaten the exact right amount.  ONE SERVING, Yay~!
TRY this on all your snacks. Read how many servings there are, and  baggie em up as SOON  as you get home from the store, and no more guessing, no more empty bags while watching TV and not paying attention, and the calories/carbs saved over time, can culmulatively make a BIG difference in how your clothes fit! OK, that's it! It REALLY works well. 

That's it! I hope you are beginning to see, it just takes awareness, and we can begin to rebuild our health, feel our clothes fit bit by bit a little looser, and realize that we don't have to really ever go on a diet roller coaster again. CHEERS, and I surely appreciate your comments and questions! ;-)

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