Tuesday, February 12, 2013

 OMGoodness, if I give up the White Refined Table Sugar that spikes insulin, is ruining my immune, heart health and making me FAT, WHICH do I CHOOSE???

This may be one of the most important blog posts you read.  Besides white/wheat based flours, and unhealthy meats and dairy, I TRULY believe, white sucrose/completely refined   and concentrated SUGAR,  is RESPONSIBLE for Americans having SO much illness and obesity!  And it is in EVERYTHING!  You may know from your own ADDICTION/CRAVINGS, that it is not far fetched to read article after article saying that white refined sugar and it's use in candy/pastries/breads/pops is more addictive than cocaine or heroin.  And one of the reasons, we started eating it as a child and deal with it dozens of times a day with no real social stigma like "real" drugs!  I can tell you from experience, it affected my health, my weight, my moods, and I had to go "cold turkey" on refined flours and white sugar, and when reprogrammed, I learned to use less refined, less processed sugars.  Yes, in a PERFECT world, we'd eat no sugars.  But because I want you to feel NO deprivation, nor your family, I will teach you to 1) break the white/refined sugar habit 100%, 2) add in whole foods and juicing to balance your body, and then, you can have PLANNED treats with non gluten/whole flours and your choice of one or several of these alternatives above, and 3) teach others the changes you learn here that will impact your life forever!

Sugar is BIG business.  The United States consumes almost 9 thousand metric tons of sugar a year!  Most people not on a healthy eating regime, consume 6-8 tablespoons of refined sugars a day, just in the processed foods they eat, and soda and other drinks they consume!  They seem to be unaware, just how addicted they are, until they try and stop eating sugar on a regular basis.  And some add the caustic chemical sweeteners (aspartame/nutrasweet/splenda/etc.) to add to the YIKES of the whole sugar health issue!

While we do not have time, nor space here to list the many reasons in detail, why sugar is both an empty high calorie food and a poison, in my opinion, on a grand scale, I can send you to the right sites or books if you request more info.  Let's just summarize it by saying white/refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup, immediately raises blood sugar, triggering huge insulin spikes, that over time not only can lead to diabetes, obesity (remember, FAT is ONLY stored when insulin is at work) inflammation (the core of all disease) being acidic, not alkaline, and lowers the immune system, gradually but so aggressively, it is now actively linked to diseases from migraines to heart disease to cancer!  So, most of us on this post, know we want white/refined sugar OUT of our house, out of our bodies.  So what can we use that is less refined, less disease promoting, and lower on the glycemic index?  Well, if you look at the above pictures, I have tried to sort less refined/healthier sugar sources, starting with the best, and then showing all that I would say are indeed better choices than white/refined sugar!

The first picture is Stevia, derived from a green leafy plant, and usually made white, unfortunately, but scores the BEST on the glycemic index.  In fact it basically doesn't raise blood sugar at all.  It is used by many in their hot drinks, in cooking, etc. Note: You need much less, as it is very naturally sweet.  For some, it has an aftertaste, that took my getting used to.  Fortunately, the third picture next to it, (Sweet Leaf/Sugar Leaf) shows one of my NEW FAVORITE choices for a sweetener, as it incorporates Stevia, with non refined, Evaporated Cane Juice, and makes a great taste. It is 2/3s the calories and carbs of sugar.  Next to Stevia, the second picture, is the rave of all the Sugar Watchers in the country.  It is called Coconut Palm Sugar, and is great for baking and in other uses, but rates very well on not triggering insulin and being therefore low on the glycemic index ( a good thing ;-)  Google it, to find where you can purchase it, or try Whole Foods or you local health food store! 

Then, we go to sweeteners that I use, that do somewhat trigger insulin, but I justify using them in moderation, because they are naturally intact, slowing that process, and have good nutritional value, and having hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) I can tell in small doses, they do not cause the rush that refined sugar does.  Now that does NOT mean you can go full tilt with them.  I use a little honey in my teas/hot lemon water, and Pure Maple Syrup, just drizzled on a non gluten pancake when I splurge on the weekend, and I use the Maple Syrup granules mixed with other sweeteners in baking for that just right sweet taste!  I buy them at Trader Joe's, for so much less than the health food stores!  Ask at TJ's!  NOTE: I only use RAW honey, never processed honey bear type honeys, BUT, babies and small children should NOT have RAW or any honey. Ask me why if you need to know, but it is a risk to them, so NEVER give it to them.  Their immune system has to catch up to not be bothered by tiny,tiny botulism spores naturally in raw honey that never affects older children or adults!

Now, actually, if the glycemic index is correct, and there is some conjecture here, the light, Agave Nectar, should have marginally trumped honey and pure Maple Syrup, for having a better track record in triggering insulin!  It comes from a Mexican succulent plant, and has a unique taste, which I've adjusted to, and I use it w/the Maple granules half and half when baking.  Just mix it up, try em all! I do not like the dark, only the Light Agave.  Find it online, at health food stores or Trader Joe's of course...lol

Next we have Muscovado, a really quite delightful sweetener, and low in calories and totally unrefined.  It is great for baking cookies and carrot cakes, etc. All of the molasses is intact, and it is one of my favorite new finds in the unrefined sweetener arena.  I believe you can see the Seattle company info on the label!  A really nice sweetener!  Similar to it, is Organic Sucanat, (the trade name) which is again, unrefined, and has the molasses still in it.  A good baking ingredient mixed and matched with say Coconut Palm Sugar, etc. which is good, but more expensive!  So you stretch it, by mixing several! You'll get good at this, I promise! 

Lastly, I put Evaporated Cane Juice, or often called Organic sugar, which does not have the molasses intact, and is more attractive to some as closer to "real" sugar without being as refined, and certainly not concentrated like table sugar.  It is a sugar that you don't want to have as your main sugar to replace your white/refined/table sugar, but if you see it on labels, etc. it is going to be a better choice than the stripped/concentrated/totally drug like made, WHITE SUGAR!  Use the Evaporated Cane Juice with other sweeteners, and maybe as a "stepping stone" for your family to even less refined sugars, at first!  And as with ALL of them, just use less, and have treats be just that, TREATS!  Think of Little House on the Prairie, where they had a lg. bag of sugar for the year to do cookies/cakes for real special occasions, not as a daily, huge part of our diet! 

OK, there's a start! In using a non-gluten (wheat free) flour blend, and these less refined sweeteners, you are definitely on the way to better health, less obesity, and yet, you still can enjoy any recipe you used in the past, just "swapping out," the white/dead/processed ones for better choices. It becomes really pleasant, and natural to do. Trust me, as I've had 3 decades of doing it, and I NEVER feel deprived, and it has changed my health dramatically! CHEERS, and just remember.  Rome was not built in a day.  You need to do your best to make a complete break from white/refined sugar.  And then reprogram long enough, that you will NEVER go back.  If I did it, ANYONE can.  I am a recovering Sugaraholic, and proud to be for thirty some years now.  If you have questions, message me through facebook.  If you are not connected as a friend, please send a request to Linda Gran-Daniels.  I am so grateful for each of you and your desire to have more optimal health, more fit bodies, and a positive mind set.  Again, CHEERS!

1 comment:

  1. Linda - trying to reach you with a message. sesgardner at gmail dot com
